Thursday, January 31, 2008

Rune Sorcery Part 7 Quantum Physics

Rune Sorcery Part 7
Quantum Physics

The Rune Sorcery lessons you have been studying were written for the modern day Rune Master. The one main idea behind all of the Rune writings is to bring the Runes and those who study and use them out of the Viking Age and into the 21st century.

The Runes are powerful keys to the Universal Creative Energies. They existed long before Odin and more recently Guido Von List, who rediscovered them.

They date back into the far past of our race. Even perhaps past the origin of language. These are "symbols" which are much more powerful than words!

According to the Laws of Quantum Physics everything that ever was, is or will be exists in an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

The Runes have always existed and will always exist in the Quantum Ocean.

What you want to do with all your Rune Sorcery work is to use the pure Runic Symbols. Try to stay away from rituals and ceremonies that other Rune Masters have used down through the ages. They are all tainted with their consciousness, belief systems and energies.

You want to build your Rune Sorcery Skills, ceremonies, spells etc. with pure Runic energy right out of the Quantum Ocean. Devise your own ceremonies and rituals. Use your own words, tools and methods. If you make up your own rituals, they will resonate to you exclusively.

These lessons are just primers to help show you the way to building your own rituals.

All you need to know is that the Runes exist in the Quantum Ocean as Keys to pure un-manifested energy. By studying and meditating and breathing in the Runes you make direct contact with these energies. You attract them into your Aura.

One of the secrets of Quantum Physics is the Law of Attraction.

Whatever thought, image,or symbol you hold in your mind will attract similar energies out of the Quantum Ocean into your Energy field (Aura). Whatever energies you carry in your Aura will attract to you, like a manet, people, places and events that will help you manifest these energies into your physical reality.

You meditate, study, breathe in the Rune FA and the Rune FA Prosperity energies in the Quantum Ocean will flow into your Aura. Once this Rune FA Prosperity energy fills your Aura and eliminates all the non-prosperity energies that previously existed in your Aura it will radiate out into the physical world. The Rune FA Prosperity energy radiates outward from your Aura as, probability and possibility energies.

People, places and events will respond to these Rune FA Prosperity energies and bring you wealth.

As a Rune Sorcerer, you do not close your eyes and will a pot of Gold to manifest out of the Quantum Ocean and into your life. You use you Sorcerer powers to mentally change the signal you are sending out; thereby attracting what you want. You litterally cause people, places and events to help you to become wealthy.

In the case of the Rune UR, you fill your Aura with powerful healing energies which help break up the energy blockages in your Aura which cause all ill-ness and dis-ease. At the same time people, places, and events will be drawn to you that will share health ideas, books and methodologies with you.

Rune Thorn will attract Protective energies to you. You were told how to project these Thorn energies out to protect you, your home, and property. You can also mentally surround your children with the Thorn Rune energy while they are at school. While driving your car, project the Thorn energy all around it and protect yourself from rage drivers and accidents.

We live in a fast paced, dangerous world. We are constantly being bombarded by the thoughts, feelings and ideas of others. By becoming a powerful Rune Sorcerer, you can protect yourself and your family form the harmful outside influences.

Use the Runes and your mind to attract health, wealth, love and protection to you and yours.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wifr Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.
Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Rune Sorcery Thorn

Rune Sorcery Part 6

By this time in your studies, to become a Rune Sorcerer, you should have a mental temple built. This will be your favorite chair or separate room, where you will conduct your Rune work.

Let no one else sit in your chair or touch your tools. You want to imbue your chair and tools with your vibrations alone.

Once you have gone through all the preliminary Rune Sorcery exercises, you will be doing all your Rune work with your mind.

That is one of the major differences between a Rune Magician and a Rune Sorcerer. A Rune Magician uses his physical tools, and has to have them available at all time.

A Rune Sorcerer has built with his own mind, mental images and resonate frequencies of all of his tools. He carries them mentally where ever he goes and can use them any where, at any time.

Use your Magical Rune Notebook daily. Put in it your thoughts about what you are doing and your results, positive or negative, with your Rune working.

As you continue to meditate on the Runes every day, you will soon build some resonant frequency circuits within you that will attract thoughts about the Runes on a higher level.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that everything that ever was, is or will be is contained in the infinite ocean of living, thinking energy called the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God.

All the past Rune Masters are there, Odin is there, the great Rune Sorcerers are there. They are all tuned into the same band-width (channel) of frequencies.

By meditating and studying your Runes, you will eventually make the vibrational connection with them. You will then both receive and transmit messages to and from them through the Power of Mental Radionics. Take notes for they may not have any meaning for you now, maybe it is no more than a "seed-thought", which will unfold itself to you at a later date.

Continue breathing in the individual Runes; until you have a clear. concise mental image of each one. This will be a mental image that you can call up and project at any time.

In our last lesson, we talked about protecting yourself and your temple area by using the Rune Thorn,(Thurisaz, Thor's hammer.)

You are mentally building six Thorn Runes (about 4 -5 feet in height) around yourself and your temple, (chair or room.)

Now, you will expand these Thorn Runes to include your Home and Property.

After you have successfully imaged the 6 Thorn Runes, in front of you, behind you, to your right, to your left, above and below you ------ Project them outwards.

Project the Thorn Rune that is front of you to your property line to your front. Make this one ten feet high, shining and vibrating power, Runic protective energy. Project one behind you to your property line, ten foot tall. Image one to your left property line and one to your right property line. Project a Rune Thorn straight above you, about five feet above the roof of your house. Again this will be ten feet in size, vibrating and pulsating. Project one below your feet down past the floor of your cellar, basement or crawl space. About five feet down into the earth will be fine.

Now sit there and pour mental energy from your Aura into your six, ten foot Runes. Your source of Runic energy in your Aura is unlimited because you have made a mental Radionics connection to the infinite source of Runic Energy in the Quantum Ocean.

Every day builds this Runic, Etheric, Protective Energy shield around your home and property.

Next time we will talk about protecting your family and loved ones.Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.
Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at

Monday, January 28, 2008

Rune Sorcery Protection

Rune - Sorcery - Protection

Now that you have started your Rune Work and picked out your favorite chair of special room, or place to do your Rune Sorcery work in, it is time to protect it.

Protection from what? You ask. We live in an energy world. your room where you are now sitting is being bombarded with hundreds, perhaps thousands of Vibrational Frequencies. Many are harmful to your health, your spiritual growth and your Rune Sorcery Practice.

What are these frequencies? To begin with, your TV, even though it may not be on, attracts all the channels of every TV station that is broadcasting. There frequencies are constantly flowing through the walls of your home.

You do not need the vibrations of "The Simpsons" or subliminal messages to "buy MacDonlalds" streaming past your mind while your are trying to do your Rune Sorcery Ceremonies.

All the vibrations of the Radio stations are passing through your walls and you.

Computers, phones, cell phones, ovens, microwaves, TV's, cell towers, and Ipods are all giving off harmful vibrations that affect your subtle energy bodies, causing illness.

The powerful EMF Power poles outside your house and running up and down the streets and under the ground emit harmful energy.

Cell phone towers blanket the surrounding area sending out very harmful frequencies.

Harp Towers, which the government is using to cover the country side with a "frequency web" is one of their anti-terrorist ploys, and for riot control.

Satellites are constantly being directed on you; entering your home, car and body.

These man made intrusive vibrational frequencies are very detrimental to the health or humans, animals and our Planet.

The constant dropping of Aluminum and Barium particles on our heads, is sprayed out of Air Force jets in one of their "Frankenstein" efforts," their explanation", to slow down the Global Warming.

There is not much you can do to stop these energies and vibrations, short of moving into the wilderness and throwing away all electrical and electronic devices.

But there is something you can do as a Rune Sorcerer. There is nothing man-made on the planet that was not first created in man's mind.

As a Rune Sorcerer, you will use your mind to stop all these vibrations from entering your home and body.

It will take time. But with slow steady, daily practice it can and will be done. The trip of 1000 miles starts with a single, first step.

You will use mental Runes to build a barrier between you, your family, your home and the dangerous, negative vibrations.

When we talk about negative man-made physical vibrations, we must not leave out the negative emotional and mental vibrations being beamed at you.

Where are they coming from? They could be coming from jealous and vindictive friends and relatives who do not want you to succeed in your Magical, Spiritual Work; and perhaps leaving them behind while you grow.

They could be coming from negative, evil magicians or Sorcerers who do not want a new kid on the block learning their secrets. And as you try to follow the path of "Light" with your Rune Sorcery, it is just cosmic law that "Dark Forces" will be attracted to this Light, wanting to snuff it out, or eat your prana, ie life-force. So of course steps must be taken to protect against this.

There are numerous other negative and mental vibrations filling the air all around us.


Let's start with the simplest protective Rune in your arsenal. This is the Rune Thorn, or Thurisaz, or Thor's Hammer. This is a very powerful rune! Remember the story of "Sleeping Beauty?" How she and the whole castle fell asleep for a 100 years? And how the castle walls became covered with thick Rose bushes with tons of THORNS, thus PROTECTING the princess and the the castle occupants from outside influence. This story is a Germanic Fairy tale that speaks symbolically of the Rune Thurisaz, or the "Thorn rune."

Again sit comfortably in your favorite chair, room or space. Relax, breath deeply and hold a copy of the Thorn Rune in your lap.

Now intone: (Remember your mind is a Radionics Device and what you see you touch. Plus what you see touches the energies in the Quantum Ocean and brings them into your Aura.)
"I am now inhaling the Divine Protective Energy of the Rune Thorn out of the Quantum Ocean and into every cell of my body." Repeat, Three times.

Now use your mental powers of visualization and protection. With your eyes still closed and your Aura full of Thorn Runic energy, picture the Thorn Rune (5 or 6 feet tall) in front of your shinning brightly.

Picture the Thorn Rune behind you, to your left, to your right, above and below you.

Your are now sitting in your favorite chair or sacred space surrounded by six large, shinning Thorn Runes.

Relax, stay awhile and enjoy. You are building a powerful Runic shield in the Etheric (energy field surrounding you.

Later we will expand it outward to protect Home and Property.

If someones mind created negative physical, mental and emotional vibrations and beamed them at you and your home; you can build a mental Runic Shield that will block them. You are constructing a Runic Ring Pass Knot. You are on your way to becoming a powerful Rune Sorcerer.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.
Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Rune Sorcery Magus

Rune Sorcery Magus

Rune Sorcery uses the mind. Actually it uses the 21st Century Law of Mental Radionics.

The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that everything that ever was, is or will be exists in the infinite ocean of thinking stuff called the Quantum Ocean.

It responds to our thoughts and the symbols we hold in our minds eye. The cleared the symbol, the quicker and stronger the energy flow from the Quantum Ocean.

A Rune Sorcerer's mind is the power source that makes the connection to the Quantum Ocean. The symbol he holds in his mind's eye is his intention. What the Rune Sorcerer wants to do. The Target, is the photo or image in his mind of where he wants to send his Rune Magic.

A true Rune Sorcerer Magus is a mental magician. All the ceremonial tools he has in his workshop are only physical aids used to create the symbols and images in his mind.

All the tools, spells potions etc. that a Rune Sorcerer needs he carries in his mind. This process is called IMPRINTING.

Get the Runes into your mind, your body, your Aura and every cell of your body. Then you will have a mental gun loaded with Runic power ready to be sent anywhere you wish, at any time.

Let's talk about the tools that a Rune Sorcerer needs in his Physical Workshop.

Your physical workshop need be no more than your favorite chair. You can place all these tools in close proximity to this chair, so that you can pick them up and work with them.

What is the work you must do? Get the images and symbols of these tools into your mind. When you can close your eyes and visualize each and every one of the your magical tools, you will have succeeded in loading your mental gun.

Needless to say, you steady work with the 18 runes should steadily be progressing, so that you can close your eyes, start with Rune FA and work your way through all 18 runes, bringing a clear, clean image of the rune into your mind.

Once you have reached this point of clear, concise visualizations, the runes and your tools will function without your help.

You visualize the rune in your mind's eye, send it mentally to a friend and it will discharge the energies with no further thought of help on your part.

Your specific tools are:
Your temple or workshop. This is your favorite chair where you will sit for an hour or so every day,(preferably at the same time each day in the early morning.) Or it can be a private room or space where only you go; and which cannot be entered into or crossed by another person. A "sacred space" so to speak.

Here is where you will build your Runic force field. Every day this Runic force field around your Temple either chair, room or space will become stronger.

You will need a set of Runes to work with. It is best if you make your own out of wood. Try not to use a store bought or a commercial made Rune Set. A hand made set; by an artisan of good energy is fine. My wife, Lory, an artist and Norse Shaman, makes beautiful boxed sets of runes for any who are interested in having them made.

If you do not want to make your own wooden set then get 18 3 x 5 index cards and draw one of the runes in the center of each card using red ink. You are making them so they will resonate to your energy.

You will need a Thor's Hammer. If you cannot make one yourself then you will have to purchase one.

A wand is next. It can be simply a 3/4 inch painted wooden dowel or a copper tube filled with orgonite, covered with leather, and copper wire like the one I use.

My powerful wand remains on my dresser in my bedroom 24/7. It enables the Rune Sorcerer to direct his or her energy, or Magic. I use it on rare occasions but mostly when I am performing my Rune Sorcery work, I close my eyes, extend my right hand, and visualize myself holding my wand. I need nothing but my mind to perform my Rune Sorcery any where, any time.

Oh, one more thing, you will need a candle. Next time we will talk about working in you temple.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.
Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at

Friday, January 25, 2008

Rune Sorcery Rituals

Rune Sorcery Ritual

All the great Sorcerers used their minds. Their power was in their minds. Rune Sorcerers are no different.

If you recall the Disney movie, "The Sorcerers Apprentice," you will see the workshop. It is filled with all kinds of magical utensils, elixirs, potions, books and spells.

But in the final accounting, it was and is the "mind" of the Sorcerer which has the power to do the magic.

Every magical tool, potion, spell in his workshop was deeply embedded first in his mind. He merely had to conjure up in his mind what he wanted and then sent it mentally.

But like all Apprentices in any artistic trade, Rune Sorcery is an art; you will need to use and learn the physical tools of your workshop.

Once you have handled them and used them physically, for a certain length of time, they will become embedded in your mind..

Now, you are a true Rune Sorcerer! You need just close your eyes and do your stuff!

Becoming a powerful Rune Sorcerer is a slow, steady, cumulative process. It will take Patience and dedication. If you are in a hurry for a quick result, you best past Rune Sorcery by.

The primary keys are the Runes. You must get the runes inside of you.

The Runes are Universal Creative Energies. They are the keys to the powers of the Universe. They exist in the Quantum Ocean as individual, divine, blueprints or packets of energy.

By meditation, breathing exercises and yoga, you can pull these energies out of the Quantum Ocean and fill your Aura with them.

Whatever energies you carry in your Aura you can use. You can use your mind to project these powerful energies any where, at any distance.

You can use them to attract Health, Wealth, and Love or anything else you want for yourself and loved ones. You can do it all with your Mind - Rune Sorcery.

Be patient, as I add these instructions and articles to the net. Go slow, go steady and go Far!

Let's talk, when practicing your Rune Sorcery Rituals, you will be involving higher cleaner energies.

You will need to know all you can about the Runes. Start surfing and studying the Runes.

Get a large notebook and start taking notes. An hour a day studying and practicing will soon see you on the road to becoming a powerful Rune Sorcerer.

It is ridiculous to believe that you can buy a book about Runes on the Net, read a rune spell and expect results.

The power of all Rune Sorcery is contained within the Sorcerer, the power is not in a book, spell or tool, ie a wand etc.

In order to send forth Runic Power you must have the Runic Power within you. Start Now! On the first page of your large notebook, put the date and write in red ink (This symbolizes your blood.)
Sign it and begin.

Hand copy Odin's Magical Rune Song into your notebook:

I know myself hanging from the wind cold tree,
For nine icy nights, wounded by the spear,
Consecrated to Odin.
I hung from the mighty tree which conceals man,
Where man grew out of it's roots.

They offered me neither bread nor wine,
So I bent down in search.
I recognized the Runes,
Until I sank down from the tree.

Wailing I grasped them,
Until I began to increase, grow wise and feel well.
From the word, word grew into word.
And deed shaped to deeds from deeds.

Now I know the songs like no wise one knows
And none of the children of men.
And should these songs of human child be un-learnable to you,
For shear endless time,

Grasp them as you get hold of them.
Use them as you hear of them,
Hail you if you retain them!



Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.
Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Rune Sorcery Ceremonies

Rune Sorcery Ceremonies

To become proficient with a rune ceremony you will need to know: the 18 stanzas of the the Magical Rune poem.

You will also need to use Rune Mantras and Rune Body Positions.

The meanings of the Runes give descriptions of their Universal Creative Energies.

An understanding of what a Ceremony is.

An understanding of the Elements, Fire, Air, Water and Earth.

The building of your Rune World.

Let us start our voyage into the world of Rune Sorcery Ceremonies by memorizing Odin's Rune Song. Practice this until you know it by heart.

Odin's Rune Song:
I know myself hanging from the wind cold tree for nine icy nights.
Wounded by the spear, consecrated to Wodan
I consecrated to myself.
I was hanging on the mighty tree which conceals man
Where man grew out of it's roots.

The offered me neither bread nor wine.
So I bent down in search.
I recognized the Runes; wailing I grasped them.
Until I sank down from the tree.

Now I began to increase, to be wise,
To grow and feel well.
From the word, word grew after word
And deed shaped to deeds with deeds.

Odin's Rune Song:
Now I know the songs like no wise one knows
And none of the children of men.
And should these songs, of human child, be un-learnable to you for sheer endless time;
Grasp them as you get hold of them, use them as you hear of them.
Hail you if you retain them!

The original Ancestral writers of Odin's Rune Song, the Magical Rune Poem, and all Rune Songs contain deep symbolic information.

They contain keys which will help you open doors for your understanding of the Runes.

Singing Runes is like singing Mantras of Power. When you consciously sing a Rune Song, you invoke the higher energies of the Runes. Slowly but surely, the runes will start to speak to you.

The Runes are very powerful beyond the realms of Human Consciousness.

You can view the Runes as energies, Spiritual Beings, Gods, Mantras or all the above. No matter how you describe the Runes there is so much more on the unspeakable levels.

Every Rune is a connection to the Worlds of Creation and will create a material effect in your life. We all need better health, more wealth and loving relationships.

In Rune Sorcery, the most powerful methods are the simplest ones.

Rune Sorcery Ceremonies will change your life. All life is change. The only constant in the Universe is CHANGE.

It is time to think out of the box; to think less conventional. Overcome your own self-imposed limitations.

Rune Sorcery Ceremonies will change any situation in your life into a favorable one.

Your work with the Runes will take on a very special importance in your life.

Our ancestors have used Rune Sorcery for centuries. They have left many powerful Rune Teachings for us to use. You can use Rune Techniques that have helped the Rich and Powerful. You too can become Rich and Powerful by using Rune Sorcery Ceremonies.

You can learn to design your own Rune Sorcery Ceremonies. Use the Rune energies to bring you success in all you do.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.
Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at

Monday, January 14, 2008

Rune Sorcery


Rune sorcery is the science of magic using the human mind. Divine rune sorcery rests upon the gods/goddesses of the North. Rune sorcery formalizes rune spells.

All rune sorcery is based upon the knowledge of the runes. Each rune is an energy and a key to the universal creative energies.

The powers of creation exist in the runes. Each rune key is a different creative energy.

Quantum Physics tells us that the runes, rune magic, rune sorcery, rune yoga, rune meditation, rune divination all exist in the infinite ocean of thinking energy called the quantum ocean.

Rune sorcery is a system evolved from the ancients, the Norse deities of the Ancient North. It combines several earlier rune systems. Rune sorcery is based upon the "younger futhork of 18 runes."

The Ancient Nordic rune masters created the system of rune sorcery. It now exists in the quantum ocean and is available to all who wish to learn it.

The old German and Nordic rune masters, as well as the gods/goddesses of the North are more than willing to share this rune sorcery with you.

The historical value of the runes is important, but, the practical value of bringing the rune energies into your everyday life is even more so.

Action is the key word. Rune action. Rune sorcery brings you rune power. Rune power opens the doors to the creative energies of the universe. Runes can change your health, wealth, love for the better.

Rune sorcery is very akin to rune magic. Both empower you. The younger futhork of 18 runes is the most powerful of rune systems.

Practice your own rune evolution by combining the wisdom of the runes with the 21st century laws of quantum physics and you are guaranteed success.

Rune sorcery is a step-by-step approach that will build you a solid rune foundation. Rune sorcery will implant the old Norse roots of the Yggdrasil Tree into your very being.

Build a secret and sacred home within your inner self for the runes and watch them attract health, wealth, happiness and protection for you.

Learn about the power of rune sorcery magick. Use them everyday and watch your power grow.

Enter the runic stream of energy and reveal to yourself the ancient secrets and occult wisdom of your Nordic/Germanic ancestors.

Two important works for all rune students: "The Prose Eddas" by Snori Sturluson; and "The Poetic Eddas" by an unknown Scandinavian. Must reads for all students. Good place to start.

The prologue of "The Prose Edda" gives an account of creation. It also gives a genealogy of Nordic Deities. Learn this along with your rune studies.

Odin, is the All-Father of the Norse Gods and the runes. He is a god-poet. Rune sorcery contains many of his magical rune ideas. In the 'Poetic Edda,' the 'Havamal' or 'The Sayings of Odin the High One' give us tremendous insights into the rune mysteries.

Odin gives us the 'Magical Rune Poems,' and 'Rune Songs'.

The older rune futhork (24 runes) is best used as a runic alphabet, for divination and for runic meanings.

The younger futhork of 18 runes (Guido Von List) should be reserved for rune sorcery and rune magic. Continued use of the younger futhork (18 runes) will eventually lead to actual communications with the Nordic gods/goddesses.

Following articles will discuss rune altars, rune realms, rune projections, rune visualizations, rune galdor chants, rune healing, rune ceremonies, etc.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wifr Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.
Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."
You can contact him at